
Baggage & cargo tractors

Baggage & cargo tractors


Best value, best performance, best TCO

We supply af wide range of electric or diesel driven baggage and cargo tractors from Goldhofer airport technology



As individual as your requirements in ground support.
The modular design concept with one product platform allows for individual configuration and short delivery times. »SHERPA« D offers powerful and reliable support for a broad range of tasks on the apron and the eco-friendly »SHERPA« E can be operated both inside and outside of buildings.

– Compact design (full cabin, canopy and open top)
– Diesel engines from 36 kW to 74.4 kW
– Electric motors from 250 Nm to 320 Nm

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Sherpa Full Cabin

Compact dimensions, maximum maneuverability, highest traction and a powerful drivetrain are the main features of the newly engineered modular baggage and cargo tow tractor family »SHERPA«. Customize your own baggage and cargo tow tractor fleet: With weights from 4 t to 8 t, three diesel engine options and three different cabin versions, the »SHERPA« D is a powerful and reliable support. Built with driver comfort and safety in mind, this new line of tow tractors combines modular design with extremely robust components for optimal performance. Sophisticated services top off the vehicle concept.

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Sherpa Open Top

Compact dimensions, maximum maneuverability, highest traction and a powerful drivetrain are the main features of the newly engineered modular baggage and cargo tow tractor family »SHERPA«. Customize your own baggage and cargo tow tractor fleet: With weights from 4 t to 8 t, three diesel engine options and three different cabin versions, the »SHERPA« D is a powerful and reliable support. Built with driver comfort and safety in mind, this new line of tow tractors combines modular design with extremely robust components for optimal performance. Sophisticated services top off the vehicle concept.